International road transportation is the most convenient option for land transportation of goods. A huge choice of routes and short delivery times make it the most preferred mode of communication within the continent. If your cargo takes up little space in the car or the delivery time is not a priority, then it is more profitable for you to choose a combined road transportation.
International rail transportation is a reliable way to deliver large consignments of goods over long distances. The movement of trains does not depend on weather conditions, and a large selection of cars of various types allows you to transport any cargo. Another argument in favor of this delivery method is the affordable cost.
Air transport occupies a special place in the system of international transportation. This is the fastest delivery method connecting all continents.
Shipping by sea is the most economical way of transportation around the world. With it, you can transport all types of cargo, including especially heavy and bulky. Despite the relatively long delivery times, international maritime transport of goods is in demand all over the world. A high level of security also plays an important role in this.
Multimodal delivery is the use of a combination of different modes of transport when transporting goods. The client is not required to conclude a contract with each carrier. We ourselves will build a convenient route, select reliable agents and agree on the method of transportation, tracking the cargo at each stage of the route.
We can ship small quantities of goods anywhere in the world. When transporting groupage cargo, you pay only for the space it occupies, and not for renting the entire vehicle. The list of our services includes not only the transportation of goods, but their consolidation and processing in the warehouse.
The procedure for customs clearance when importing goods into the country is mandatory. It is needed in order to legalize a consignment of goods delivered to the country. This process will confirm the legality of the presence of goods on the territory of the state and allow its free operation, movement and sale.
Customs clearance, in addition to collecting taxes and duties, includes the correct execution of declarations, the provision of documents for non-tariff regulation and other documents necessary for the release of goods for free circulation.
We will help to clear the cargo at the customs posts of the Russian Federation. With us, customs clearance will be easy and fast. …
During customs clearance, it often becomes necessary to obtain certificates, documents on the compliance of the transported products with sanitary and epidemiological standards, and a list of other papers.
Our experts will help you sort out this issue.
International economic activity requires knowledge and ability to work with logistics, foreign economic activity and understand customs legislation and a host of other areas. For inexperienced entrepreneurs, there may be a risk of problems when transporting goods to another country.
Self-organization of the import of technical equipment may seem like a daunting task for a novice entrepreneur. This often requires a whole staff of professionals in different areas. It is important not only to be able to coordinate and make a purchase from suppliers, but also to go through customs, completing and submitting all the necessary documents.
We will take care of these issues so that you have more time to develop your business.
Our employees take care of all the work with European suppliers, cargo consolidation, insurance, quality inspection and customs clearance, including the preparation of documents, certification and customs declaration. According to the individual conditions of the order, the cargo can be combined or independent.
Our employees take care of all the work with Chinese suppliers, cargo consolidation, insurance, quality inspection and customs clearance, including the preparation of documents, certification and customs declaration. According to the individual conditions of the order, the cargo can be combined or independent. There is a multimodal delivery option.
Our employees will answer all questions about international transportation, customs clearance, certification, warehouse services, delivery of groupage cargo from any country in the world.
3PL-logistics is a systematic approach that will help organize transportation, manage warehouse resources, pack and escort cargo. Customers fully transfer the purchase and transportation of products and equipment to the company executing the order.
We will prepare a report and provide advice on which processes can be optimized in order to bring all stages of logistics to a new quality level and save money significantly.
We calculate individually for each shipment, based on data on the volume, type of cargo and geography of transportation.
We develop optimal solutions for the route and type of cargo delivery, based on the individual needs of our customers.
We assist and advise our clients on issues of customs clearance and permits required for the release of goods.
We guarantee quality service and cargo safety at all stages of the logistics chain.
+7 (495) 104 44 04
Freight prices are directly related to a whole series of indicators, ranging from the choice of vehicle, the volume and type of cargo, to the distance that needs to be traveled to deliver it. For each particular order under consideration, the calculation of the cost of transportation is carried out strictly individually. Be sure to sign a contract, which indicates all the features of the delivery.
The cost of transporting oversized cargo, as well as dangerous goods, is usually higher than those rates that are set for other types of cargo transportation. For example, when working with oversized cargo, you have to do a lot of preparatory work – develop a route, lay new sections of the track, strengthen the roadway, and even temporarily dismantle power lines if they interfere with the movement of oversized vehicles. Naturally, all this entails additional costs. Therefore, the final cost of cargo transportation can be announced only after discussing and agreeing on the details of the order.
Dangerous goods – goods dangerous for transportation, because in case of non-compliance with the conditions of transportation or a transport accident, it can damage the environment, harm the health or life of people. Yes, we’re doing it. Our experts will tell you in detail about the features of the transportation of dangerous goods.
The main services provided under the brokerage program:
– Assistance in finding and negotiating with a supplier
– Registration of export documents in the country of departure
– Consolidation, warehouse, transportation
– Verification/preparation of BT contract
– Checking shipping documents
– Registration with the customs authority
– Classification of goods according to TN VED
– Detailed calculation of customs payments
– Preparation of documentation allowing import (certificates, etc.)
– Collection and verification of documents for filing a customs declaration
– Preparation of diesel fuel (GTE)
– Resolution of issues related to customs price statistics (CTS)
– Control of the release of goods from customs
– Distribution, warehouse, delivery
– Legal advice in the field of foreign economic activity
To import the goods yourself, clearly define the goods, the place of purchase, the supplier and the price. Import costs will be highly dependent on the import codes and scheme you define.
In any case, you will need:
These are the main measures for the import of imported goods into the territory of the Russian Federation. But far from all the nuances and subtleties are set out here. If you want to avoid the “rake” until you have figured out the intricacies of importing goods yourself, contact EVS Logistics. We will take care of all imports, and you will be able to receive qualified assistance and advice at every step. Over time, you will be able to import goods yourself, avoiding mistakes, delays at the border and fines.
Many Russian buyers look for suppliers on the Internet … and lose money. Many serious manufacturers and suppliers do not promote their services via the Internet, do not develop their websites and do not advertise on popular resources. Such suppliers “float past” those who are looking for offers only through the Internet. Add the low reputation of Russian buyers in a number of countries and you will understand that it is difficult to find a really good supplier via the Internet.
Only the most desperate work with China without intermediaries, directly and even without personal meetings: it is considered bad manners if you are not present at the conclusion of the contract in person or through a representative. It’s almost a guarantee that you won’t be able to get a really good deal.
We will help you find a supplier, organize transportation, quality control of products, product certification and customs clearance.
But first, you must clearly define the assortment, price, volume of purchases, delivery speed and features of your product. After our representative personally visits a Chinese company and inspects their business, you can arrange the first batch of goods.
In addition to simplifying the work with the supplier and customs, you will receive substantial savings on the payment of duties due to properly organized import schemes and knowledge of the nuances in foreign and Russian customs legislation.
Yes, you can do a separate customs clearance, or a separate certification. If you need to transport cargo only at one stage of transportation, we can also do it.